What if using novel remote sensor technologies and artificial intelligence, your service could understand human behavior and become emotionally intelligent?

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HIPE Human-technology interoperability and artificial emotional intelligence

Unlocking the secrets of human behavior and emotions is crucial for society and businesses. With our innovative technology, we aim to develop modular technology components and solutions for emotion analytics. Read more.

Our services

We build on artificial intelligence to interpret biosignals and motion data, providing a deeper understanding of human emotions in everyday life – whether at work, school, in public spaces, or while interacting with technology.

Our solutions

We aim to improve the user experience, detect potential risks, and promote productivity and well-being while keeping in mind the ethical and legal considerations of monitoring individuals.

Partners and contacts

HIPE is a co-innovation project funded by Business Finland and the participating organizations. Consortium is led by VTT:

Sari Järvinen, Senior Scientist, Project Manager
+358 40 512 9662

Business Finland and VTT logos