News and events


Book launch event on 11 April 2025.

Ballardini, van den Hoven van Genderen and Järvinen (eds.),
Emotional Data Applications and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in Society
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Conference on October  – November, 2023

Nordic Conference on Law and Information Technology

University of Lapland hosted the conference on October 30th – November 1st, 2023. The conference fostered critical discussions on legal and ethical considerations concerning the role of sensitive human-related technologies in promoting a transition towards a sustainable, resilient and inclusive society.

Addressing the ethical and regulatory aspects the event considered key policies such as the GDPR and the proposed AI Act to contemplate, among other things, what is the ‘right’ balance between providing the needed incentives for developing innovations and protecting ethics and human rights be achieved through legislation.

The HIPE research partners gave two presentations: Legal incentives for Innovations in the Emotional AI Domain and The principle of social and environmental wellbeing in the development and use of AI, both by University of Lapland. In addition three pitches related to use of AI were pitched by the research partners: HIPE project by VTT and two other projects (MAITE – a national pilot concerning AI use with services concerning elderly and ADM GOV – the governance of automated administration) by University of Lapland.

Link to conference website.

Conference on June, 2023

Ethical and Legal Aspects on Human-Technology Interoperability and AI Processing of Emotional Data

Inspired by the HIPE theme, and organized by the HIPE partners from University of Lapland.

Conference was held on June 6th. It engaged scholars, from different disciplines, in discussion on legal and ethical considerations concerning the introduction of sensitive, human-related technologies, such as AI and biotech applications.

Discussion items included use of emotional data, regulations and guidelines concerning intrusive technologies, and to what extent empathy and privacy are essential in human and human-AI industry relations and society in general, and whether – and to what extent – such things can be regulated.

Link to conference website.

Link to abstracts.

Seminar on October, 2022

Augmenting humans with AI-driven knowledge

VTT organized a seminar showcased several projects, HIPE was covered both with a poster and included in a presentation!

Measuring human behaviour and emotional response

  • Using state-of-the-art technologies we can measure remotely biosignals, movement and activities
  • Novel AI methods allow the interpretation of the sensor signals into information on human behaviour, emotional response and reaction
  • This information is used to connect human-technology-physical space
    • model the humans and
    • deliver actionable insight for
    • services able to adapt based on human response
  • Essential in R&D: User acceptability, ethics and legal aspects
Photo from augmentin humans seminar.