van den Hoven van Genderen, R., & Ballardini, R. (2024) AI and Emotional data betweentheScylla and Charybdis of European Regulation Abstract from IRIS2024: Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposion 2024, Salzburg, Austria.
Ballardini, R., van den Hoven van Genderen, R. Emotional data and AI, a legal Enigma Presentation in Ethical and Legal Aspects on Human-Technology Interoperability and AI Processing of Emotional Data seminar, Rovaniemi, 2023
Ballardini, R., van den Hoven van Genderen, R. Patenting Emotions – Innovations in the Emotional AI Domain Presentation in Helsinki IP Summit, 2023
Ballardini, R., van den Hoven van Genderen, R. ‘From Lapland with Law ‘: Transparency and sharing requirements for data in the EU – stimulating or killing innovations? Blogpost in From Lapland with Law blog