Launching of the book

Ballardini, van den Hoven van Genderen and Järvinen (eds.),

Emotional Data Applications and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in Society

Springer (forthcoming in February 2025)

Date: 11.4.2025, 9:30 – 12:30

Venue: University of Lapland, Yliopistonkatu 8, Rovaniemi (Room A141 (LS5)) and online via MS Teams (Link to Teams Meeting)

Photo of microphone stand.

Cover of the book.This groundbreaking book on AI’s role in processing human emotion data raises awareness, offers a multidisciplinary discussion, and disseminates research on current and future regulatory needs for responsible emotional AI development and use.

Biometric and psychological data are highly sensitive, and the book aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of challenges while proposing innovative solutions to legal and ethical dilemmas in developing emotional AI. Despite ongoing discussions among academics and policymakers, there is limited understanding of the risks and opportunities emotional AI presents, though it is a highly promising area with potential societal benefits, such as improving well-being.

However, these advancements require significant investment, supported by legal incentives like IPRs. At the same time, emotional AI raises privacy and autonomy concerns, posing challenges under EU regulations, such as GDPR, and the draft AI Act. The legal framework in Europe remains unclear, especially when viewed globally, complicating societal and regulatory acceptance.

The book brings together respected international experts for a multidisciplinary study of emotional AI’s techno-economic-legal developments, impacts, and necessary actions. It provides scientific and societal insights into AI’s past, present, and future, particularly its legal and policy implications. While aimed at legal academics, it also offers valuable guidance for policymakers, legislators, and organizations.

In this launch event, we will explore the book through two key perspectives:

  1. Global approaches to AI regulation and strategies for addressing differences in regulatory frameworks worldwide.
  2. Governing AI through legal mechanisms to foster a sustainable future.

Additionally, we will discuss emerging trends and what lies ahead in the AI regulatory landscape.

Programme (preliminary)

9:30 – 9:40 Introduction: the HIPE project and the legal and ethical issues of the book, Ballardini (ULap) and van den Hoven van Genderen (ULap)

9:40 – 10:50 Panel I: Global approaches to AI regulation, how to deal with differences in AI regulation around the world:


  • Leijten (Vrije Univ.)
  • Neil Richards (Washington University)
  • Riekkinen (ULap)
  • Pitkänen (1000Lakes)

Moderator: van den Hoven van Genderen

10:50 – 11:10 (Coffee) Break

11:10 – 12:20 Panel II: Governing AI through law for a sustainable future


  • Dermawan (ULap and Max Plank Institute)
  • Mäihäniemi (ULap)
  • Drake (ULap)
  • Schütte (ULap)
  • Hurmerinta-Haanpää (Aalto Uni)

Moderator: Ballardini

12:20 – 12:30 Looking ahead: what’s next in the AI regulatory landscape? Ballardini (ULap) and van den Hoven van Genderen (ULap)